Wednesday, December 12, 2012


I am joining some friends as they mourn the loss of their mother. She was a very strong lady who had suffered much pain in her life. She was a person of stamina and also one that defended her children with great passion. She herself could be in disagreement with them and  still she would defend their right to have a different viewpoint if you were to question their decision. It always led to interesting discussions when this becomes part of the conversation.
I believe in the world we are living in with all its talk of tolerance that her art of practicing tolerance is sorely missing. Most of the people I know that talk about tolerance are defining tolerance as a one way street. They require you to be tolerant of them while they by action if not word demonstrate a perfect definition of intolerance towards those who disagree with them. While this is practiced openly and loudly it is seldom challenged.
People that practice this style of tolerance need to read what the meaning of the term "bully" is so they can determine which name they want to apply to themselves.
Read Acts 15:22-41 to see how beautiful tolerance can be and how difficult it is to practice even in the church.

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