Monday, September 10, 2012

A Friend

It is amazing how you can make a new friend. There is that "AHAA" moment when you are aware that there is more here than just the common activities we share. I have become aware that most modern "friendships" are not made of a shared deep relationship but just by sharing common activities. The Bible talks about a friend that sticks closer than a brother. I certainly hope so, many brothers hardly ever see each other. I often hear people talk about their friends but when I listen more closely they never see each other outside of a common interest they share. I have friends because we share common pasts. I have friends because we shared life at some point along our journey. I have friends that share a common interest. An interest which has given us a chance to share our real persons. God has given me different kinds of friends and I want to honor Him and them. If you consider me your friend I am blessed and privileged that you honor me with that distinction. My prayer is that today I may indeed live worthy of that trust as we share life together.

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