Wednesday, December 12, 2012


I am joining some friends as they mourn the loss of their mother. She was a very strong lady who had suffered much pain in her life. She was a person of stamina and also one that defended her children with great passion. She herself could be in disagreement with them and  still she would defend their right to have a different viewpoint if you were to question their decision. It always led to interesting discussions when this becomes part of the conversation.
I believe in the world we are living in with all its talk of tolerance that her art of practicing tolerance is sorely missing. Most of the people I know that talk about tolerance are defining tolerance as a one way street. They require you to be tolerant of them while they by action if not word demonstrate a perfect definition of intolerance towards those who disagree with them. While this is practiced openly and loudly it is seldom challenged.
People that practice this style of tolerance need to read what the meaning of the term "bully" is so they can determine which name they want to apply to themselves.
Read Acts 15:22-41 to see how beautiful tolerance can be and how difficult it is to practice even in the church.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Just Too Simple

With all the talk of sin we hear when Christians get together it appears the church will go out of business soon. The sin in our present world appears to be concentrated in our churches. You may think that is a foolish statement so  please hear me out, (or rather read me out).

When last did you have a conversation with a non-believer and their main theme was how righteous they were? How often do those who are Believers talk about all the sin in their life? Maybe I spend time with the wrong people but here is their favorite saying, "Well, none of us are perfect!", next is " We're  just sinners saved by grace".  The last is so spiritual, "I'm struggling with ____________ , but you know none of us are perfect."

What if the church practiced the same forgiveness towards non-believers sins they practice towards their own. They contend OTHERS need to quit their sins and become BELIEVERS. All the while excusing their SIN and not giving their best for the Christ.

What if every time a believer had a choice they agreed with God that Satan was a deceiver and a liar? (His two best traits.) What if every time a believer agreed with Satan that God was wrong and a liar, (He never is.) they found it totally unacceptable?

Do you think that kind of reasoning could change a persons actions?  I do, but that is too simple.

Do two walk together unless they have agreed to do so? Amos 3:3

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Listen K

A few years ago there was a saying that made me light up inside and nearly lose my cool. It was a hand to your face gesture accompanied by the words, "TALK TO THE HAND". Parents actually said their children used that and lived to tell the story. I don't know if my child would have survived. It was not profane or obscene but I found it very objectionable.

I sometimes feel the same way about people and their personal electronic devices. When you interrupt their tiny little world event they look up at you blankly and say, "huh" or "what" before they blankly go back to their device without waiting for a living response.

If you ever catch me doing that call me on it. I mean do not text, twitter, or email me or even call me on the voice line. What I mean is tell me about it then and there. You are too important to me and to God for me to treat you as a second class citizen. You are more important than some inane game or message written to occupy oneself so they don't feel alone. Make an issue of it.

Psalm 116:2   Because he turned his ear to me, I will call on him as long as I live.

By actually learning to listen like God we may become a missionary in the hand of the Lord.

Friday, September 21, 2012


I hear this word a lot. It is interesting what it gets associated with. Weight is a struggle. Time management is a struggle. Technology creates a struggle to keep up to date in its world. I struggle with........ starts many conversations.And that is immediately followed by the many things others struggle with also.

 I want to keep my struggles in perspective so I try to think of:...................

The struggle of an adolescent girl in a third world area struggling to carry enough water for the families daily use five kilometers home from the water truck.

The mother struggling with HIV is some world areas that has no one to care for her children as she lays dying when in my world helpful hands and medicine would strengthen her for years.

 A single mother who struggles from being laid off after believing the lie that easy pay plans and credit cards would safely answer her longing for nicer material things.

The honest hard working family member who struggles to cover for the addicted person who is making everyone's life miserable with their irresponsible lifestyle.

These things create a terrible struggle within me. A struggle which says, "how I can best be involved to alleviate some of the suffering My answer seems to simple for many who struggle with the problems of life. I turn to God with my struggles and struggling. He then directs my responses and resource and I find peace in the midst of the struggles of this life.

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. John 14:27

Monday, September 10, 2012

A Friend

It is amazing how you can make a new friend. There is that "AHAA" moment when you are aware that there is more here than just the common activities we share. I have become aware that most modern "friendships" are not made of a shared deep relationship but just by sharing common activities. The Bible talks about a friend that sticks closer than a brother. I certainly hope so, many brothers hardly ever see each other. I often hear people talk about their friends but when I listen more closely they never see each other outside of a common interest they share. I have friends because we share common pasts. I have friends because we shared life at some point along our journey. I have friends that share a common interest. An interest which has given us a chance to share our real persons. God has given me different kinds of friends and I want to honor Him and them. If you consider me your friend I am blessed and privileged that you honor me with that distinction. My prayer is that today I may indeed live worthy of that trust as we share life together.